Newport Center Drive 11th FL

      Newport Beach, Ca. 92660
      Tele: 949-715-1013 Mobile: 714-404-9622

      Fax: 949-715-9316


      Family Law, DUI defense, DMV hearings, vehicle code violations, Criminal Law
      Civil Litigation, Business Law, Third strike crimes, Record Expungement


      CCAS Cannabis | Business Services & Attorney Referrals

      CCAS Cannabis | Business Services & Attorney Referrals 

      Corporate & Attorney Services Inc. is now offering cannabis legal documentation services, we offer Incorporation filings, fictitious business name filings and city business license courier services.

      Did you know CA Corporate & Attorney Services Inc., offers cannabis legal counsel referrals?

      For more details, contact our office.  Additional services, Franchise Tax Board, City Zoning Departments, Partnership Filings and Court Retrievals. 

      Attorney Referrals 

      CCAS Resources 

      • Certified Testing and Data  Cannabis anyalytics lab 
      • Cannabis Law Digest is a web-based service serving the legal and business communities of the cannabis industry.
      • California Marijuana Laws | FindLaw The Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA) creates the general framework for the regulation of commercial medicinal and ...
      • Laws & Regulations - California Cannabis Portal |  California marijuana laws changed drastically with the decriminalization of possession (under 28.5 grams) and legalization of medical marijuana in 1996.
      • California Cannabis Laws by County | Cannabusiness Law The 58 California counties are currently updating and establishing local policies on Cannabis retail, manufacturing, and cultivation laws with frequency, on ...   

      CCAS Disclaimer

      Searches performed by CA Corporate & Attorney Services; Inc. (CCAS) are only of the general Jurisdiction for the last 10 years unless requested otherwise. CCAS does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the Civil Index. Information contained in this report was obtained directly from public records that are maintained by government officials. CCAS will not undertake or assume any part of the customer’s business/ legal or similar risks and shall not be liable for any losses resulting from negligence regardless of the cause. © 2024 CA Corporate & Attorney Services Inc.