Newport Center Drive 11th FL

      Newport Beach, Ca. 92660
      Tele: 949-715-1013 Mobile: 714-404-9622

      Fax: 949-715-9316


      Family Law, DUI defense, DMV hearings, vehicle code violations, Criminal Law
      Civil Litigation, Business Law, Third strike crimes, Record Expungement

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      Meet Rosie Laloyan 

      VP & Managing Partner, Rosie Laloyan 

      Rosie Laloyan, Vice President of CA Corporate & Attorney Services, has dedicated herself to supporting her family, career, and community, all while upholding a strong sense of faith that fuels her strength. Since becoming a legal secretary in 2000, Rosie has juggled her responsibilities as a mother and caregiver for her parents with her professional commitment, managing the daily operations of the firm. Her ability to balance these roles reflects her dedication and resilience, setting an example of selflessness and unwavering support.

      In addition to her family obligations, Rosie’s involvement in her community has shaped the values of CA Corporate & Attorney Services, reinforcing the firm’s dedication to customer care. The sacrifices she makes for her loved ones are mirrored in the company's approach to serving clients, creating a firm culture where genuine care and personalized service are at the forefront. Her compassionate outlook infuses the company with a unique warmth, allowing CA Corporate & Attorney Services to stand apart as a boutique firm that consistently prioritizes its clients.

      Even as technology and processes evolve, Rosie believes that true value lies in personal connections and maintaining a client-first approach. She ensures that CA Corporate & Attorney Services remains anchored in this commitment, valuing each client relationship and providing support that goes beyond standard legal services. Rosie's role in the company reflects her dedication to fostering an environment where clients feel valued, respected, and understood.

      Rosie and Mieko Hester-Perez have been business partners since 1999, sharing a vision of a client-centered legal service that resonates with families, individuals, and companies alike. Rosie's faith and strength have been the foundation of her life and work, inspiring CA Corporate & Attorney Services to offer not only legal expertise but also a genuine commitment to serving clients with heart and dedication.

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