Mieko Perez joins @nbaalumni as a 2024 panelists for this year’s Emerging Opportunities Summit in Las Vegas!


      Newport Center Drive 11th FL

      Newport Beach, Ca. 92660
      Tele: 949-715-1013 Mobile: 714-404-9622

      Fax: 949-715-9316


      Family Law, DUI defense, DMV hearings, vehicle code violations, Criminal Law
      Civil Litigation, Business Law, Third strike crimes, Record Expungement

      Meet Mieko Hester-Perez Pres. of CA Corporate & Attorney Services Inc.  | Legal Secretary since 2000

      NBA Legends Summer Getaway Highlights Cannabis and Business - Mieko Perez joins @nbaalumni as a 2024 panelists for this year’s Emerging Opportunities Summit in Las Vegas!

      Big Ten Analyst Stephen Bardo, Derrick Coleman NBA Legend President, Mieko Hester-Perez Presidnet CA Corproate & Attorney Services Inc., NBA Legend Alando Tucker and Jonathan Howe Assistant Professor at Temple University (photo credit: NBARP)

      July 16, 2024 - The NBA landscape is changing when it comes to the acceptance of cannabis and its use and the association of its players doing business in the industry. A 2023 decision by the league to allow players to use marijuana and for them to invest in companies that sell CBD or marijuana has been welcomed by current players and retired ones who said it was about time.
      Retired NBA players were on hand July 10-12 in Las Vegas for the annual Legends Summer Getaway where the National Basketball Retired Players Association included former NBA player Derrick Coleman and cannabis consultant Mieko Perez talking about all things cannabis and business. Both took part on a wide-ranging panel on emerging business opportunities for their members...

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